Editor: In a Nutshell, iGrid is a symbiosis of FlexGrid and ListView in report mode. It allows you to edit its cells and provides you with a wide range of features for manipulating them. It also emulates the Outlook messages list and supports virtual mode when it requests new rows whenever they need to be displayed (this is especially useful if you work with remote databases).
iGrid is implemented as an ActiveX control, and makes wide use of COM data types. The most suitable development environments for using iGrid are Visual Basic 5/6 and VBA with UserForms (Visual Basic for Application) built into MS Office 97/200/XP/2003. Theoretically, it can be used in any development environment which supports ActiveX controls. Please click here to find out more.
The highly optimized FLicKeR-free display code makes this Grid draw FASTER than FlexGrid and other VB grids, whilst at the same time allowing more sophisticated displays to be set up. iGrid implements many useful features - multicolumn sorting with numerated sort icons, custom draw cells, saving and restoring of its layout, own Memory Manager. The iGrid constituent parts (column headers, cell editors, scroll bars) can use Windows XP Visual Styles.